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发布时间:2014-06-27        浏览次数:3561

        第五届国际岩土安全与风险研讨会(ISGSR 2015, http://isgsr2015.org/) 将于2015年10月13日-10月16日在荷兰鹿特丹港市举行。ISGSR 2015的组织者们希TC205成员能够通过协助科学委员会来支持此次大会。



        同时,也非常希望TC205成员能在ISGSR 2015上组织特殊会议,会议需契合此次大会的主题。如有此类会议计划,请将会议提案在2014年8月1日之前提交到abstracts@isgsr2015.org

        如果您有志于能加入ISGSR 2015科学委员会,我们将倍感荣幸,您的加入将提高此次大会的科技地位。同时,如果您愿意在大会筹备和召开期间,在交流沟通方面对组织者提高帮助,我们也倍加感谢。谨启

ir. Frits van Tol教授


ISGSR 2015科学委员会主席



The 5th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk (ISGSR 2015, http://isgsr2015.org/) will take place on 13-16 October 2015 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.  The organisers of ISGSR 2015 would greatly appreciate, if TC205 would be willing to support this event, in particular by assisting the Scientific Committee.

A key role of the Scientific Committee is to ensure the scientific quality and practical relevance of the work to be presented and discussed during the event. Therefore, we would like to ask for your assistance in the process of reviewing and selecting manuscripts submitted to the conference, as well as in convening sessions during the conference.

Furthermore, we would like to draw your members’ attention to the fact that the first day of the conference, 13 October 2015, will be reserved for short courses, workshops and meetings. Proposals for such activities from your community will be very welcome. Our congress bureau can assist with arranging the required facilities.

TC205 members are also encouraged to organize special sessions at ISGSR 2015.  Proposals should suit the conference themes and need to be submitted before 1 August 2014 to abstracts@isgsr2015.org.

We would be honoured if you join the Scientific Committee of ISGSR 2015 and thus enhance the scientific stature that we would like the conference to have. Needless to say that we will acknowledge the support in the communications on the conferences as well as in the proceedings.

Yours sincerely,

Prof.ir. Frits van Tol,

Deltares, unit Geo-engineering and Delft University of Technology

Chair to the Scientific Committee


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