IS-Cambridge 2020
29th June - 1st July 2020, Churchill College, Cambridge
Technical Committee 204 (TC204), one of the technical committees of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) and the Geotechnical Research Group at the University of Cambridge would like to invite you to the Tenth International Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground (IS-Cambridge 2020) to be held in Cambridge, United Kingdom from June 29th to July 1st, 2020.
TC204 of the ISSMGE was first established in 1989 as TC28 and has made major commitments towards collecting information concerning the geotechnical aspects of the design, construction and analysis of deep excavations, tunnels and large underground structures in the urban environment. The first symposium was held in New Delhi in 1994 and eight more symposia were held in London (1996), Tokyo (1999), Toulouse (2002), Amsterdam (2005), Shanghai (2008), Rome (2011), Seoul (2014) and Sao Paulo (2017). TC204 decided to hold a tenth in Cambridge in 2020. The 10th symposium will be organised by TC204 of ISSMGE and the Geotechnical Research Group at the University of Cambridge.
The IS-Cambridge 2020 symposium will include themes in line with the terms of reference of TC204 such as tunnelling in soft ground, deep excavations, field monitoring, physical and numerical modelling, the effect of ground movements on existing structures and mitigation measures. The symposium will act as a platform to disseminate the most recent research and field developments in the design and construction of underground excavations in soft ground through keynote lectures and technical presentations.
Organising Committee
Professor Lord Robert Mair, Chair
Professor Giulia Viggiani
Professor Gopal Madabhushi
Professor Abir Al-Tabbaa
Dr Stuart Haigh
Dr Mohammed Elshafe, Secretary
Dr Giovanna Biscontin
Scientifc Committee
Please see the full list of TC204 Underground Construction members here:
Conference themes
The themes for the Cambridge symposium, in line with the terms of reference of Technical Committee TC204, are:
- Field case studies
- Physical and numerical modelling of tunnels and deep excavations in soft ground
- The effect of underground construction activities on existing structures
- Design and application of ground improvement for underground construction
- Sensing technologies and monitoring for underground construction in soft ground
- Ground movements, interaction with existing structures and mitigation measures
- Seismic response of underground infrastructure in soft ground
The frst two days of the symposium will consist of technical sessions with presentations of General Reports and individual papers.
The third day will be dedicated to the technical visit to the work sites of the new Thames Tideway Tunnel project, which will be under construction at the time of the symposium. Delegates joining the technical visit will enjoy a memorable trip to the project on a privately chartered boat on the River Thames in the heart of London.
The city of Cambridge
The University of Cambridge comprises numerous tourist attractions of special interest to TC204 conference visitors, including the 26 ancient Colleges: Trinity College (Newton’s own college, houses the Wren Library with numerous scientific manuscripts including Newton’s Principia), the Old Cavendish Laboratory where Crick and Watson discovered DNA, King’s and St John’s Colleges which have beautiful chapels and worldfamous choirs.
Call for papers and deadlines
Authors are invited to submit Abstracts of about 300 words in English, on any of the topics relevant to one of the conference themes.
Abstracts should clearly state the purpose and conclusions of the full paper. Both abstracts and papers will be reviewed by the scientifc committee of the IS-Cambridge 2020 Symposium.
Abstracts of papers should be submitted using the Abstract Submission System (either directly into the abstract submission form, or as an upload) before the 1st May, 2019. Notifcation of acceptance of abstracts will be given by 31st May, 2019. Camera ready manuscripts will be required by 15th September, 2019 for refereeing by TC204 prior to inclusion in the Symposium volume.
The Proceedings including General Reports will be published before the Symposium. The ofcial language of the Symposium will be English.
Key Dates
Abstract submission: May 1, 2019
Notifcation of accepted abstracts: May 31, 2019
Full Paper Submission: September 15, 2019
Notifcation of acceptance and comments: November 30, 2019
Final Manuscript Submission: February 15, 2020
Conference starts: June 29, 2020
More information, a pre-registration form and an abstract submission form can be found on the conference website at:
The conference is hosted by the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge
Event Manager: IfM ECS, Institute for Manufacturing, 17 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge, UK CB3 0FS
Phone: +44 (0)1223 766141 | Email: