Sponsored by: China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
Organized by: Engineering Risk & Insurance Research Branch (ERIB) of China Civil Engineering Society (CCES);
Hosted by: Agiletech Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd . (AECC)
Beijing Urban Engineering Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd. (BUEDRI)
Conference date: October 19-21, 2012
Conference Address: Beijing, China
Background of the Meeting
With the rapid development of China’s urbanization process, the urban rail transit, railway, highway, water conservancy and other infrastructure construction project have been expanding in large scale. However, the uncertainties of project conditions may lead to engineering risk, and the recent occurred accidents highlight the grim situation of the engineering risk and safety management. Therefore, the engineering risks and their insurance have been the focus of the central government, every administrations, research institutions and enterprises. On April 2010, the 1st Symposium on Engineering Risk & Insurance Research was held in Shanghai. The 2nd Symposium on Engineering Risk & Insurance Research will be held in October 19-21, 2012 in Beijing. This symposium is organized by the ERIB, TC304 of ISSMGE(Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment & Management) together with many other domestic institutions. The aim of the conference is to communicate and learn the experience of the latest project risk management and insurance, promote the level in project insurance and risk management.
There will be a special session for TC304 of ISSMGE.
General Themes
Latest study of theory and methodology on the engineering risk and insurance
Risk management standards, codes application on domestic and international engineering
Risk monitoring on engineering project
Theory and methodology of quantitative risk assessment
Project risk management on urban rail transit/ subway
Project risk management on highway and railway engineering
Project risk management on hydraulic Engineering
Project Risk management on other related engineering
Project insurance theory and practice
Project risk management information and their application systems
Call for Papers
All papers will be peer-reviewed and won’t be longer than 6 pages. The brief introduction of authors are necessary including research fields and contacts. The accepted papers will be preprinted in the proceedings. A paper format will be sent to the authors after the paper accepted . The full paper could be submitted to ERIB2012@163.com. Please entitle the email with 2012 Symposium when submitting.
Important date
Deadline for full paper submission:
May 31, 2012
Full paper accepted:
June 30, 2012
l Deadline for revised full paper:
July 31, 2012
Conference Program
October 18, 2012, all day, Registration
October 19, 2012 :
Opening ceremony and Academic lecture in Chinese;
Afternoon of October 19, 2012:
Special Session in English;
Night of October 19, 2012:
Reception Banquet
October 20, 2012:
Morning for Academic lecture
Afternoon for Site Visiting
Contacts Us
Mrs. Xiao -fen Ren
Room. 203, 1# Building, No.9 BAIWANGZHUANG Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, China
AGILETECH Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd. (AECC)
Tel: 010-68357855-833
Email: ERIB2012@163.com